Domain name has been a sensational issue since the existence of the world wide web. Let us look at the case of Initially was a tourist agency, however it was seized by France (country) in the year 2015. The owner of the website, Jean Noel-Frydman was shocked because he was not notified by the Government of France.
The reason given by them for the take over was that the name France belonged to their government. Hence, any domain with the name France in it belongs to them. Most of the times, domain names are first come first served basis. Legally the Government of France should have negotiated with the owner to pursue to buy the domain name or the website rather than asserting legal ownership to it.
Dissatisfied with the French court's ruling, Frydman is suing the Government of France to get back his domain name. He had mentioned that the party who took over his website is cyber squatting and it is unfair to him. This is injustice to him as he has been promoting the France tourism for the past 25 years.
Referring to the case above, domain name issues is not new in this era. It had been evolving and the dilemma is unbearable. Therefore, obtaining another person's domain name is unethical and it should not be practiced as it may impact many parties. If someone is interested with the domain name, then they should atleast inform the owner of the domain name to avoid hassle and other problems.